Saturday, 29 January 2011

Belgium: Call me Colin Farrell...

...because I'm ______.

Any guesses? Anybody?

Back in my days as a multi-talented, drive-thru specialist Chick-fil-A employee, when the clock would strike 9:59 (I was usually off at 10:00), I would often say this line: "Call me Nicolas Cage because I'm... (pause for dramatic effect and resist urge to say "a horrible actor") Gone in 60 seconds." It got a laugh exactly one time.

Seriously though, did anyone ever see that insanely horrible movie Ghost Rider? If I ever see Mr. Cage in person I will punch him in the face for stealing 2 hours of my life. It's painfully bad.

Anyway no more stalling. In Bruges was the answer I was looking for--a movie shot in Bruges that Colin Farrell did a couple years ago.  I was also in Gent and in Brussels, but I don't think those are movies.

Ok enough small talk, on with the pictures... (clicking on them makes them bigger and better)

Bruges and Gent
(the cities looked similar and I couldn't remember which pics were taken where)

I like the look of the buildings

Leaning trees--I feel like a clever person could come up with a funny caption for this picture.
"Paul Bunyon sneezed" was the best I could do.

Action shot--this is Bruges, I think

One of many Cathedrals

A castle from the 15th (?) century

A less artistic shot of the same castle

Olivia and Annabelle: wonderful guides (and salsa dancers)

I'm a sucker for water reflecticious photos

None of us had any idea where to go when we arrived in Gent.
Guess which way we went

Again with the water reflections

My first Belgian waffle. That's whipped cream, ice cream, powdered sugar and chocolate sauce. Yum


A classic case of no picture I took coming close to doing this view of the city justice

"Manneken Pis" (Little Man Piss) This is a pretty well know statue.
Legend has it he pissed on a fire and saved Brussels a long time ago--
either it was a small fire or he had been holding it in far too long.

Belgian flags

Can't remember what this building is. Cathedral is always a safe bet here.

Olivia: "Austin if you're not in any of the pictures no one will believe you're really here."
Exhibit A.



  1. I bet you went "That way!" Keep em comin!

  2. I'm really enjoying all these pictures :)
