Friday, 4 March 2011

Brief digression II... CS Lewis was right!

I just realized that instead of brief digressions, I could've called these segments detours. And then it would go with the whole "on the road" theme. And then I would seem more clever. But alas, 'tis too late. I suppose I'll have to stick to using words like alas and 'tis to make myself feel smart.

So why was CS Lewis right, you may ask. Well he said this (and I'll paraphrase)

"Christianity is a statement that, if true, is of infinite importance and if not true, is of no importance. The one thing it cannot be is moderately important."

I thought about that the other day and I think its kinda like if someone were to say to me "Austin, theres a bomb in the refrigerator that's going to explode in 2 minutes." If what this person said was true, its definitely pretty important to me--my life is on the line. If it's not, then his words are irrelevant to me. Either way I do know two things:

1) His statement is definitely not of medium importance. It's either true or not. I'm either 2 minutes away from dying or I'm safe.
2) I know I'm not going to keep on eating pancakes or doing whatever I'm doing without at least investigating (i.e. taking a peek in the refrigerator).

This metaphor is probably a stretch but you can see where I'm trying to go with this...

Jesus said some pretty radical, crazy things. He said he was God. He said believing in him leads to eternal life. He even had the audacity to claim to be the one and only way. The nerve, right? But either all this stuff is true, and infinitely (literally) important, or he was a liar or a lunatic and should be completely ignored.

When I say I'm a Christian, what I mean is that I just simply fall into the category of people who find all that crazy stuff Jesus said to be true, and thus infinitely important. And so I hope my life reflects that.

Kinda like the "there's a bomb we gotta go" line is one that's worth attention, Jesus's words and life, no matter what your beliefs, are at the very least worth some attention/investigation. Sure it'll be harder than looking into a refrigerator, but the search for truth is worth the journey.


  1. yeah man Jesus dropped shit like "maybe you should try being nice to everyone" and everyone was (and continues to be) like "Whaaaaaat?! That's nuts fuck them!"

  2. So, the other day I went to a film shoot, to help one of Billy's groups. He was wearing a blue button down shirt!!! I took a picture and wanted to send it to you, but couldn't figure out a way to, other than Facebook. I figured you wouldn't believe me, but I do have proof! If you ever make it back I'll show you! Continue to have a blast!
